07 March 2011

not sure if this look is too cliche or not. I feel like I may have seen it before . . .
I feel like it gets across the same message though it's feel is a lot different. Too different?


  1. Hmm. I feel like I don't really get the "influence" part in this one without seeing people standing in line? I know there aren't people in the other photo, but it worked for me.

    I do see the influence in the products on the left. The fact that stores tend to place candy and last-minute objects by the registers so that we're forced to look at them more and THINK we want them. It just took me a minute to really make that connection.

    Then again, maybe I'm just slow tonight. It happens to all of us =) I do feel like it may be more helpful to have people in the photo. I really like the half tone look, though!

  2. I see that too. Amazingly, both times I went to WalMart this week there have been almost NO lines! it's freaking me out a bit actually. I snapped this one and thought I'd play with it. I guess I felt like the perspective "influenced" you to look at the show name. But yeah, I'd like to try again. Apparently Fridays are good for long lines . . .

  3. I agree with Jessica, Its not the same without the people in line. Although, It does have a great relationship with the other post card with the empty class room. Maybe a different angle or treatment. I do like the half tone I just am not sure if all the elements are working together. Also, is it important to use the same type treatment on the second as we did on the first to give it come sort of uniformity?

    I think I was rambling... oh well.

  4. Yeah, I also like (which Jess pointed out but I thought I'd second the sentiment) how it corresponds similarly to the first card, what with the alignment and direction in which it draws our eyes.

    And no lines at Walmart is almost unheard of! Haha seriously though!
