03 March 2011

our cards

Hi All,
If we are going to get these printed ASAP, I wanted to make sure we were finished with the designs.  I wasn't sure both of them were completely finished at the end of class.

Due to the finishing issues, I wanted to ask which way we should go with this.  The top card steals some of the design from the bottom card so it's more of a hybrid.

Should we go with the top card?  Let me know.  I'll get them printed when I hear back from most of the class.  I would like this to be a group decision.



  1. I still like the bottom one. The names on the top one bothers me for some reason. I don't now.

  2. Seeing them like this, I gotta vote for the top card. The COME EXPERIENCE IT part of the bottom one still feels funky to me.

    In the interests of time, I say print the top one now and we tweak the other one for the next card printing.

  3. Definitely the top one. I still really like the fact that Ryan pointed out about the similar alignment, how both the front the back (represented on the top) draw the viewer's eye in the same direction. The "opening..." and "wehrle hall gallery..." beneath "come experience it" feel a little weird to me in the bottom one.

  4. I feel that the top one is better suited for printing at this time, and agree that the bottom one could be tweaked a bit for the next card.

  5. I prefer the top one to the bottom one.
