01 April 2011

Advice please!

I'm feeling really and truly stuck (or perhaps panicky? hmm) for the first time about senior show, and I was wondering if you all could help me out with something. Right now, I'm just kind of trying to get organized and figure out all the elements that I'm including in my show.

As of now, I'm for sure including:
1. my paintings
2. the books on several podiums

And these are other parts that I'm questioning:
3. Should I still include the "body modification checklist" in some way? The list I put together that makes it clear that MANY things (such as painting nails, cutting hair, etc.) are body modification, too?
4. I feel like I've spent so much time on the book and I'm concerned that it will be overlooked, since it has to be opened in order to really pique viewers' interest....do you guys have any suggestion to make it more noticeable??

I think we're all allowed to have a few panic attacks now that it's getting down to the wire, but it's still not fun haha.


  1. I think that the list could be helpful and eye opening for people. I don't know why you think the book would get overlooked. I think the subject matter alone will peak people's interest.

  2. Thanks Mike. I was worried that with my paintings taking up the largest portion of space, the books might not be of the greatest interest. I appreciate it!
