13 April 2011

Cover adjustments/tests

Here are some new cover ideas that I've messed around with, taking into account some of the suggestions people have made. I'm still sticking with the idea of having 16 or so photos on the front, and just playing around with positioning and where the title and name will go...PLEASE please please let me know if you guys like any of these, which ones you definitely DON'T like, or if you just don't like this kind of idea at all. Thanks!

Really, please be honest if you don't like this idea for the cover at all. I know we're all getting frustrated with just wanting to be done and wanting people to nod and say they like our work (approval feels great!), but I know we all also want to make sure everything is perfect. So give me your worst haha.

The third image is what I planned on putting on the back, hence no title or name. As always, these are rough and not perfectly aligned because I'm just trying to pump stuff out.


  1. I like the fourth one down best for sure!

    I don't like the turquoise type, though I like the positioning of the type on it, maybe making the fourth one's type almost as close together as it isn in the turquoise- not quite as close though

    I also like the swashy/scripty font with your name left aligned under it better though.

  2. I agree that I don't like the turquoise type it seems to not fit in with the rest of the design.

    The fourth one is the one I like best with some minor tweaking the space in between is awkward. Oh and where is your name?

    I also really like the sixth one as well. I like the placement of your name left aligned compared to the title. I also like where the title is located its really interesting comparing it to the center titles that you have been working with.
