13 April 2011

In Progress

So Jessica emailed us and told us to get a list together of everything we wanted for the show so I thought I would post them on here.
Unless I hear anything else about this its GOOD TO GO

I have my sister putting all of our barbies together to take a better picture for me but is the message/connection okay?

Again, If I don't hear anything more this one is GOOD TO GO.

If the message and placement is okay this one is GOOD TO GO



I am working on getting a different picture for this right now, but is the message okay?

I am getting a quote on stickers and once I get those I can take a better picture for this one and it should be GOOD TO GO too

I am also working on finding something about scars for another poster and if you guys have any other ideas (besides acne) I can do those too.

I also still have this one that I completely forgot about.  Should I use this or just forget about it?

I am trying to get 3 DDY info posters and 6 stat/words of encouragement posters.


  1. On the first poster, I like the overall look. I feel like the last part of the description in white is kind of misleading. I get that you're saying that Don't Delete Yourself aims to encourage that 87% to embrace themselves and not be self-conscious, but then you say that the 87% will then spread their confidence to others, but we're led to believe that the other 13% doesn't have appearance anxiety, so they shouldn't need encouragement, right? I don't know, it just seems contradictory. And it should say "keep their headS up" (plural).

    The wording on the Barbie one is kind of odd. I think it may be better to say, "At 5'9" and 110 pounds, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24, which is considered severely underweight. She would not be able to menstruate (menstrate is wrong), and she would have to walk on all fours." I'm not sure I understand why she would have to walk on all fours, either? Also, at the bottom, "1 in 100 thousand" seems weird. Maybe say 100,000. At first, all I see is 1 in 100. I really do like the message in this one, though.

    I really like the third one, too. I just feel like maybe the statistic should be lined up with the something? Either the logo at the bottom or the feet of the figures in the bottom row.

    I still feel like there should be an actual bare razor blade or a more realistic picture in the fourth one.

    The gray one that begins with "don't delete yourself is a modern way..." just has one punctuation error. It should be "...I deserve more." with the period inside the quotation mark.

    Really like the bullying one! Do you mean "idle gossip?" Also, "all gossip does IS tear people down." Maybe it would sound better to say "don't encourage them to delete themselves?"

  2. Thank you so much Jessica! AMAZING!

  3. I still feel like an image of beauty magazines, advertisement models (male+female would work), etc. would pack a bigger punch on the first poster, but it seemed like I was the only one that felt that way, so . . . maybe that's just me.

    I really like the Barbie one! I would love to see the picture end up being a Barbie walking around on all fours! that would be so raw, and def make people look at it and want to know what it was about!

    The infographic one seems weaker to me visually than others, but it is effective at getting the statistic across.

    The fourth one still seems so much more negative to me. I also feel like the image is "loaded" so the shock value is really all I get from it. Not really sure. The part about "the way you have been" is really awkward, like everyone reading it has been cutting? I appreciate the way it tries to make it personal to the people who are affected, but it doesn't feel cohesive to the rest of them. I think the image also makes it feel out of place seeing them all together now.

    You are different I like that- I feel like we were talking in class about how the "I" was awkward? Could something like a version of "keep it that way" or something work?

    I think aside from what Jessica mentioned, the gray explanation one is good to go!

    The gossip one's copy needs something. It feels preachy and if it is aimed at people who gossip or bully it's going to go in one ear and out the other, in the eyes out the, whatever- you get the point

    Get those stickers soon! holy crap!

    Why can't you do anything with acne?

    The last one is AWESOME! The "I" statements, again are sort of awkward, it doesn't bother me as much in this one with everything else going on in it, but if you can find other things to put in there I would try them out!

    Keep pushing!
