11 April 2011

Info Posters

Info Posters with some changes and some text help from Jessica Biretta (Thank You!!!!) What do you think any suggestions?


  1. The Color After Image one:

    The third paragraph is akward, it seems like the same phrase worded differently three times or something?

    The first sentence of the third paragraph— I'm not sure what it means . .
    Should it read, "Since there are only three colors, starring at a certain color for a long time sometimes causes stress on the eye . . ." ? I also wonder if there is a different word besides complimentary to describe the complimentary color, or if it could just be left out.

    The top of the second column: "visually shown" is probably redundant.

    I think the graphics are fine, the jasper johns after image is really fun!

  2. The Simultaneous Contrast one:

    First paragraph:
    I'm not sure unique works for me here, unique in context of what?
    I think the second sentence is good though- colors appearance needs to be color's appearance

    On both of these, where are the quotes from?

    Also, I like getting a definition of simultaneous contrast, and that you tell us that it is used in products. But how is it used exactly? (this may just be for my own curiosity's sake haha) but how does the fact that a color looks different than it really is help sell the product it is on? I can sort of see how it would with produce, but I'd be guessing. I'd like to know the details for sure :)
