25 March 2011

installation ideas

So, I am also trying to consider some ideas for how my work will well, work in the gallery. I haven't mentioned it to Josh yet, but if the two of us were taking the back corners, what if we had benches, or better yet Arm chairs and a lamp or something, like a little reading room where people could browse the various books (yours too Jessica!)

Other than that, I am trying to come up with ways to make it interactive. I realize that getting people to read even a small portion of a book at an opening is asking an awful lot. So aside from having a little bookshelf with multiple copies of the book, I'm toying with some activity ideas.

Since the book is about relativity in some respects, I am interested in finding a way that viewers could mark a copy of the book, showing what they personally agreed with or didn't agree with, or maybe even a way to respond to the book. The responses could become a part of the installation, which would display the fact that each person has a different mix of influences which makes for different opinions.

The first way I thought of was: what if there is a copy of the book with a highlighter attached or some other way of marking the book where viewers could mark what they agreed and disagreed with? That may be asking too much also though I'm afraid.


  1. I do think creating some sort of interactive aspect is great, the highlighting thing is a good idea, but does that mean the person is going to have to go through the whole book to pick stuff out? how much time is one going to stand there? So it definitely is asking A LOT from the audience, but is that a bad thing?

  2. Yeah, that's what I'm having a hard time with. I certainly don't expect anyone to stand or sit there and read the whole thing! But I have to find a way, or give them a reason to do more than flip through the pages and sit it back down I guess.

    What I really like about the idea of the highlighting or some sort of response, is that it further "proves" my point that everyone has a different set of experiences which will lead them to different opinions of the work.

  3. Yeah I really like the highlighting idea too. Hmm....I do think it would be interesting to see some people agree/disagree with the same topic....yeah you really do need something that makes them do more than flip through the pages and move on. Although I am not sure what that is yet....

  4. I definitely like the interactive idea. I, too, have been wondering how to ATTRACT people to my book and actually get them to WANT to open it..of course, it will be in plain sight and it will be obvious that it should be read, but I feel like I need that extra, for lack of a better word, oomph. Hmmm...brainstorming brainstorming..

  5. I still think it would be great if we had two reading chairs (lazEboys?) and a lamp and end table in the apse!

  6. i agree with you ryan! my only concern is that my book is not design to be a book where the readers sits an reads, it is a call to do something, to run, primarily. But i would not mind if they sat down and thumbed through it a bit.
