28 March 2011

New Edited Statement

Societies standards influence our way of everyday life, through our language, through what is available for us to buy, and how it is presented to us. Did you ever think that controlling the colors around us could influence how we perceive everything? It makes us grab that really ripe apple, that bright orange, orange, or that box of organic or low-fat granola bars. Did you know the colors of these products influence what we buy? It begs us to question how and why, it begs for us to know the truth.

This project exposes how color can affect us emotionally, physically, and psychologically. It influences what we buy, from food to cars. It can make us feel happy, sad, angry and even hungry. Color can persuade us, and manipulate our senses.

Color is important to our sense of sight; its how we describe things, its what we see first. We rely so much on color to identify things its hard to imagine not seeing certain colors, and how much it would really affect us. Color is so important to us as a society that we understand the meanings of color within society at a subconscious level create. Over time we have come to naturally live by these constructed ideas associated with color. These subconscious meanings are so embedded into our brains we don’t think twice about what the truth really is, and why we desire the granola bars with the green label over the one with the blue label.