12 April 2011

Damn you, migraines.

Hey all - sorry I couldn't make it to class (really bummed, because I was counting on some critique time..damned migraine nausea). Anyway, here is some stuff I wanted to say in class today.

1. This is a painting I've been working on of Whitney. It's going to be of her from the side, showing her lily tattoo that is dedicated to her grandmother. Also, in regard to my paintings, I'm seriously planning on busting out 5 or so paintings this week/weekend...God help me (well, God help us ALL, actually).

2. Second, about the frame situation - the more I look at my paintings as a whole, I'm really starting to agree with what Ryan, Jess, and Deanna suggested about not framing them. I just realized late last night that framing them with anything but a floater frame will cover at least 1/4 inch on each side of the canvas (duh..should've thought of that before - and I'm not willing to lose any portion of the composition), and floater frames cost about $60 each (no thank you). I could still buy square dowel rods at Lowe's and paint them...but maybe for now, no frame and a simple coat of black on the edges will suffice. I'll have to play around with them.

3. Third, I ordered my business cards from 4colorprint two days ago and received the proof today - I'm really happy with it. I decided to get just my name in raised spot uv. For 500 business cards printed on silkcard 350 (thicker cardstock), rounded corners, and raised spot uv (my name only), my total was $100.10, but I was crafty and found a 10% code online (google does wonders!), so my total was 90ish. Not too shabby =] I was also given a 15% code for new customers, so if any of you are still planning on getting any, let me know.

4. As far as the cover - I just want to be done (don't we all!) and order the books, but I also really want to make sure everything is perfect. Blah..and by the way, it's too late now for me to order a "review" proof of the book first, so I'm going to have to wing it and order all 10 at once, crossing my fingers that all the photos are high enough resolution, the colors print true to what my screen shows, etc..So if I finalize and order my book by this Friday, they'll still arrive in time for the show.

I'll bring up all of these points in class Thursday, too, but just wanted to let you guys know what I was planning on talking about today.

Good luck everyone - I know we're all really feeling the abyss-like pressure big time now!!

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