30 April 2011

17 Hours

Hey all!!

We are less that 17 hours from the opening! We have come so far and I am honored to have been a part of this and have the opportunity to work with each and everyone of you!


24 April 2011

entrance wall vinyl?

hey guys, here's a to scale sketch for the entrance vinyl . . . what do you think? I wasn't sure if we were writing a new statement, so I just took the one from the card and added "in" to the "come see what we've discovered" part.

22 April 2011


Try altering the photos a bit.  I did a quick de-saturation (with a mask at top / just regular at bottom) and then used the burn tool a bit over the eyes (to make them bolder) and the backdrop (to make it sink back a bit).  Adjusting the contrast could be good.  Probably other things would help too, but I just did these super fast.  Think both creepy and fake.

21 April 2011

Different Barbie Picture?

These are the pictures I took of a Barbie I got at Target.  I've decided that 1) they dont make any Barbies like they used to and 2) all Barbies are creepy.

In my opinion, I still like this photo better.  I like that Barbie looks creepy and her hair is frazzled.  It helps convey that there is no reason you should want to look like her.

I tried to make some of them B&W to see if that would help.  I still feel like I like the original better.  What do you think?

Hey guys gallery setup?

So Jessica wanted me to post on the blog since the email system is likely down-

you can call me or her for more info- but we are planning to work for a few hours starting at 2pm, the walls are up, we need to prime, paint and figure out spaces for everyone- I'm sure we could get Chinese as well so unless you have a really good excuse I'll see you then! :)

Here is a copy of the email:

Hi All,

Walls are up. We will be meeting tomorrow to prime and paint. I know ODU email will be down most of the day tomorrow, so I will give you all a call if you don't call me first.

If you get this, call me / text me to tell me that you will be there or to give me an excuse why you will not be there.

Please call each other as well to make sure everyone has the message.


20 April 2011

This posters are driving me insane but I am trying to get them work.

Reworked Terms with added terms and its now on a 11x17 page. There is white space on each side of the terms but when I exported to a JPEG it did something weird. Anyway suggestions.....

19 April 2011

Updated Posters

I updated these. If you tell me yes I am printing them.

18 April 2011

Term sheet that goes along with info posters.

Stop light poster with removal of text.

I tried. These posters are driving me crazy. They are now both 11x17. Is this any better?

With Some Changes...

I updated these so that the logos were all on the right side to give it a little more uniformity.  I also changed the one that had the little girl on it to match the message one.. since it is about DDY as a whole. PLEASE READ ALL THESE REALLY WELL!  I am def. not an english major or anything like it.

Layout...  The black box is the artist statement.

17 April 2011

Cupcake poster with some revisions. Is it working? Does anything need tweaking?

Here are my info posters with many edits and changes. Any thoughts?
Oh I forgot until right now that I am also including a term list, which so far contains Hue, Saturation, Value, Primary, Secondary (colors), Complimentary Color, and Tone.

Jif Poster

This is the new image I am working with for my Jif poster. I am still having trouble with a title, headline, or something to get someones attention.
As of now some of my ideas are: (this would be positioned at the very top center of the page)
Choosy Moms choose Jif.
Which one would you put on your sandwich?

If anything else needs tweaked let me know.

16 April 2011


I have two variations of barbie posters.  I like this image better but it was hard to fit the text on there.

This is the other one.

Possible image for the gossip one?  I like it a lot.

I need another info thing about DDY but didn't know what sort of image to go with it but I had this one from awhile ago.

thinking about layout a little so you guys can get an idea.

this is what i was thinking about putting on the mirror.

14 April 2011

Random thought?

Random.  I dont know.  What do you think?

Updated Posters

So I made some changes you guys talked about in class.  PLEASE comment so I can get stuff printed ASAP.

sketch for setup

Just to get an idea. Sorry for all the post, I'm just so excited that I don't feel like I'm going to have nothing in the gallery!
The gray bar is the chair rail. Not sure how tall the table I currently own is. Could just be on different pedestals or something also. The vertical line represents the corner of the room, didn't wanna put the time into giving it all perspective. I think it could be cooler than this, but just to get some sense of it. What do you guys think?

ideas for gallery - old poster sketches