28 February 2011

Statement Stuff

Hey guys - to follow suit with the posting of statement ideas, I combined my own thoughts with some of the commonalities from the statements of both Josh Watson and Jess Beckett. Here goes:

Ohio Dominican University presents the Art and Design Senior Show for the 2011 graduating class. With the common desire to explore Truth, the Senior Designers and Artists have created “Under the Influence,” an exhibition that begs its audience to question Truth as it pertains to behavior and identity in various aspects of society today. This year celebrates the University’s Centennial year, a reminder of and homage to not only the rich history behind us, but also of the certainty of truly remarkable and revolutionary things to come.

Statement Ideas

I liked what Josh wrote so I sort of went off of what he said...

Ohio Dominican University presents the Art and Design Senior Show for the 2011 graduating class. This year celebrates the university's Centennial year and with the theme of Truth celebrated all over campus the Senior Art and Design have researched topics relating to that theme.  Under the Influence relates to that theme and begs the audience to ask themselves what influences them.

Finally able to post again!

I don't know about you guys, but this business about Blogger being blocked off-and-on is really bugging me (sorry for the alliteration). Anyway, here are some samples of something I'm working on painting-wise.

27 February 2011

Card info

Hey all! By Request, here is what wrote in my mini-paragraph:

Ohio Dominican University presents the Art and Design Senior Show for the 2011 graduating class, This year not only celebrates the universities Centennial year, but also the first class for the Core Curriculum classes. With the theme of Truth in mind, the Senior Art and Design class researched topics relating to the theme. We will be glad to see you there.

26 February 2011

alright, it wont let me post the pic on here so i will just email it to you guys!

24 February 2011

Back of the post card info

Jessica Beckett
Jessica Biretta
Deanna Taylor
Jennifer Michael
Justina Nnajifor
Josh Watson
Ryan Chitwood
Michael Szall
**I've been trying to work to break up all those DAMN J's!!

-Ohio Dominican University
Wherle Hall Gallery
1216 Sunbury Road
Columbus, Ohio 43219

-May 1, 2011 - ??

-Opening 5-7 pm

Art & Design exploring behavior and identity
100 years
Social Responsibility

(Josh, I really loved the way you worded your little paragraph.  Some of us just have a way with words and I am not ashamed to say I am not of those people.  Do you think maybe you could post what you have when you can so I could use some of your words?)


For Deanna: carrot proof

Based on our conversation in class the other day, I was going to take a photo of my "baby cut" carrots vs. the mini-carrots grown in my garden (which store amazingly well), but my cat got in the way.

However, I think this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that kittens prefer naturally organic carrots over technologically-shaped "torpedo" carrots.  And cats have a 6th sense, right? Or is that a 9th life...either way, I feel that I've made my point.

19 February 2011

Again, I know these are all really tiny, but if you click on the thumbnail it's a lot easier to see. I can also bring my laptop back in next week so you guys can get a better idea. In these four spreads, I tried to take some of Deanna's comments into account to make everything more uniform. What do you guys think?

Starting from Scratch

Hey guys - I was getting really frustrated with the old layout I had for my Blurb book, and I didn't see it really progressing anywhere in the future. Every change I made to it seemed to just get hazier; I was just kind of floundering around.

So I've taken a whole different approach. Ah clean slate! Blank white pages. The main interview page for each person will be filled by a photo and accompanied by his/her name and a quote. What do you guys think of how this looks? Initial reactions? Is it better/more aesthetically pleasing than the last layout I had? I know the thumbnails are really hard to see, but just click on them to see it larger (the orange dashed line is simply visible in preview mode, affording for bleed area when the book is actually printed). Also, I know that the type looks really small, but it's perfectly legible at the 8x10 size.

I have more pages already laid out, but for some reason I'm having troubling uploading the screen shots on here. Hopefully the 2 spreads above give you a good idea of what I'm working toward.

I really like this layout a lot more and feel a lot better about it! Any suggestions are more than welcome, of course!! Especially suggestions about type, etc., since I didn't take typography haha =) I considered using Bleeding Cowboy, but......just kidding =)

18 February 2011

I'm so excited, Rachel Hommerson has agreed to let me share her story in the exhibition. She was the woman I was telling you about who carried the BRCA2 gene and chose to have a mastectomy done. I encourage you all to check out her story!


16 February 2011

Here's one of the things I tried doing to tone down the background of my book - you can't upload your own images for a background, so I just played around with what Blurb has to offer. In the images below, the background is an argyle pattern, with close-contrast colors so that it almost looks like a watermark.

What do you guys think?

14 February 2011

This isn't about MY work, but about something that I thought we all might be able to benefit from.
A friend of mine from home sent me this link, and I'm thinking about ordering from this site!!

Basically, you can order 250 personalized basic business cards for FREE! Or choose from thousands of premium business card designs and get 250 for $3.99. Shipping and handling is around $5 something, but the most you'll end up spending on 250 cards is $10 including shipping!!

I know that most of us (including myself) would like to design our own business cards from the ground up, but considering that we have less than 3 months (!!!!) until the opening of Under the Influence, and other card companies are more expensive, I figured this might help some of us out if we just want some basic business cards to set out for the show.

Hope this helps some of you guys!
Posted some research on my blog check it out.

13 February 2011

Posted some poster ideas to my "Color Cognition" blog. Check them out & give me some feedback!!!!

12 February 2011

Promotion? Maybe?

Hey guys - I got a really awesome email from Ohio Art League recently, about various calls for entry and promotional events. Below, I pasted the segment about submitting a show to be featured on OAL's blog. I know our show obviously is an art AND design show, but OAL also has many design-based shows and I'm sure they would be interested in our show.

Would you guys be interested in submitting our show to be featured?

OAL BLOG www.ohioartleague.wordpress.com
Submit your show or event to be featured on our blog!

Want to know more about OAL's exhibiting artists, see pictures from our events, or post your own upcoming shows? Now you can on the Ohio Art League blog

We want to know what you're doing!
OAL members are invited to send us information about their upcoming exhibitions and happenings. To have your show posted please send the following information to oal@oal.org with BLOG POST in the subject line:
  • Event or exhibition title
  • Reception date and time
  • Show dates
  • Location
  • Your website or exhibition space website (if available)
  • One image of your work
Hey guys! These are my NEWEST PAINTINGS! Pretty realistic, huh? Just kidding just kidding..wish I could pass these off as my work! Just my photographical work haha.

Sorry for my absence on the blog the past couple days. Although I wasn't posting, I was fortunate enough to meet up with two great women in Cincinnati to get photos of them. I really needed these ladies, to equally balance gender representation in my show! Amanda (whose tattoo artist name is Highlighter! awesome!), one of the girls who I shot, said she would pass my name along with my project idea to some of her friends who may be interested, as well. Here are a couple preview pics, but I'll show you all of the photos in class next week.

Happy Homework-ing!

10 February 2011

Hey all, I put some rough sketches on my blog named "franklinton" if you could give me some feedback, just click on my name and then franklinton. For some reason my franklinton blog isn't listed.

09 February 2011

New Ideas

Sooo.. I thought I would try some more visual marketing since Jessica says thats what we need.  I am not too wonderful at photoshop so I don't know what you guys think.  Thoughts?     I was thinking that if i did promotions with all sorts of different promotions for DDY with different people holding DDY signs?  I dont know.  Is that stupid?

I tried to fix this a little bit. So what do you think about this??

08 February 2011

I finally met with Zoe today. and the meeting was awesome! i learned so many new things, and actually what really happens behind the scenes in the medical industry. i was completely shocked. and i now know more what to research further into. but i just wanted to give you guys the jist on her story. more will come when i finish up editing.

but here is just some background information:
Zoe was diagnosed at the age of 30 with breast cancer.
started chemo on December 16th, & unfortunately it was her birthday.
Since she didn't have medical insurance she was offered to do a clinical trial.
She under went many drug testings, chemo, radiation, and hormone injections.
cancer reoccurred again when she was 34.
she had under went 2 surgeries and has had a mastectomy done.


"For some reason, when this was going on, I kept visualizing grenades. Grenades or guns with my breast."
^ this also gives me another idea to work with visually.

"I went back, and they told me I had cancer. Then they wanted to take both my breast, go through radiation again, and give me more hormones. And like, I already did that for a year a half. So that’s when I just was like, I give up. I quit. I cannot do this. I did everything you said to do. And it didn’t work. You didn’t even want to listen to me when it came back. You didn’t want to believe me. And im here. And pretty much, both times, I begged to tell people I had cancer. No one wanted to look at me. And then you finally look at me, and then I did everything you said, then I come back, and you tell me to shutup. And now its 'oops, we’re sorry but you have cancer again. It didn’t work', and your just like fuck, what do you mean? now you want to take my body parts? I’m suppose to trust you with my body parts, and you want to put more chemicals in me. It was just like, I made it this far and I was like I don’t even know who you people are.

I was fighting two wars at once, and I was getting tired. Then my surgeon dropped me, I just wanted time, they gave me like 3 weeks to make this life decision. I just been through a year and a half of loss. I mean I lost a lot, I lost my boyfriend, I lost trust."

"There is A LOT of money in breast cancer; everyone knows the pink ribbon, the pink wigs. All they have to do is put a pink ribbon on a product, and sat we support. And that’s all they have to do. When I left that walk, I couldn’t believe it. I will never do it again. It was a gimic. I was like this is bullshit. I’m walking, and first of all, I didn’t have any hair and I didn’t own a wig. I’m not kidding you, there were thousands of people and I was like where are the people that are sick? Where are the people with cancer? I don’t know if they all were wearing a wigs, but I couldn’t find any of the people with cancer. It was weird. It was such a weird day. It felt like I was the only one with cancer. I know those people are survivors but I mean like it was just like another thing you wanna support. It was like be who you are, and we are here to support you but no one even shows that. I didn’t even see one bald person there. I didn’t even feel support, I felt like I was in some fake commercial. So I wont do that again. And then I talked to my nurse, and she said that they are making more money now and they are cutting back more and more. And the pink ribbon symbol, it is crap. Literally, it’s a business, it’s a corporation."

07 February 2011

What do you think?

Modification Checklist

Are you modified? If you have participated in any of the actions listed below, then you are indeed modified.

This list is by no means exhaustive. Nearly everything we do in our daily lives pertains to body modification.

Coloring your hair

Cutting your hair

Shaving hair anywhere on your body

Wearing hear extensions

Trimming your nails

Painting your nails

Wearing acrylic/fake nails

Wearing deodorant

Using soap

Wearing makeup

Using perfume/cologne

Using sunless tanner

Using a tanning bed

Getting a spray tan

Wearing contacts/glasses

Dieting/purposefully losing weight

Getting breast implants

Getting breast reductions

Getting Lasik eye surgery

Wearing glasses

Wearing contacts

Getting Botox

Circumcised as a newborn

Body building

Having braces

Having a cancerous mole removed

Please list any other things you can think of that might be surprising to think of as "body mods!"


A desperate request.

So, it seems like my topic is still extremely fuzzy for everyone. I understand. Without just writing a book, it is sort of hard to convey, and I'm not even sure what I believe about it anymore haha.

However, since it is abstract and philosophical, I would really love it if people would ask me questions, even if they seem stupid or/or general.
I think answering your questions could really help me with my ideas for content. If anyone could leave general questions in the comments here, or as a separate post on the blog as you think of them. I have a lot of more in depth ideas on my personal blog and questions about them would be really helpful, even if it is "could you explain this better?" Since it's philosophical in nature, I would completely welcome someone calling me out and disagreeing with any of the ideas as well. Getting in a nice debate or something could really help too haha.

Hopefully for next class I will also have a bunch of sample layouts as well as some sort of introduction written.

Thanks guys!

color schemes and rough ideas/sketches for show title

Hey guys, I've been playing with ideas. I really like some of the color pallettes. I don't really like any of the sketches or ideas I have. I really like the idea of the illustration that Jessica Biretta mentioned. The more I think about it, the more our faces kind of makes sense. At first I was against it because I feel like our explorations of identity are so far outside ourselves- but I suppose they are all chosen and explored by us.

News from Ashley

Hey guys, this is just a bit of a side note, but here goes. Ashley sent me a message with some really interesting information that she asked if I would share with the rest of the class (esp. those who don't have a FB account). Here's the info:

Personal Assistant (Columbus Short North)

Date: 2011-02-07, 9:34AM EST
Reply to: job-zs8gu-2201299840@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

Personal Gallery Assistant

Permanent - Part time position - 25 hours/week
Tue, Wed & Thur 4:00 - 7:00; Fri & Sat 11am - 7pm; Gallery Hops till 10pm

Answering phones, making telephone calls to clients and gallery artists, some light computer entry, greeting visitors, assist with gallery projects, reporting directly to the gallery owner

Please reply with your name, daytime telephone number and brief outline of your experience - please put personal assistant in the subject line Thank you.

Location: Columbus Short North
Compensation: $7.40 hour
This is a part-time job.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 2201299840

Thought some of you may be interested!

Hope everyone's work is coming along great =]

05 February 2011

Veritcal vs Horizontal

Hey all!

So. I am second guessing and rethinking about the layout for the calendar. Should I make it horizontal orientation like I have been showing you, or should I go with a vertical orientation like I have designed first?

03 February 2011

Perks to living in or visiting Franklinton:

Historical neighborhood (community)
New homes (community)
Renovated homes (community)
Artworks on buildings-Franklinton Arts District (community-arts-culture)
Columbus Metropolitan Library-Franklinton branch (community-education)
A.D. Farrow Co.-Harley Davidson Motorcycles (community-historical)
Mt. Carmel Hospital (community-healthcare)
City of Columbus Sullivant Rec. Ctr. (community-recreation)
Dodge Park (community-recreation)
City of Columbus Dodge Rec. Ctr. (community-recreation)
City of Columbus Dodge Swimming Pool (community-recreation)
Mid Ohio Food Bank (community)
Ohio Wildlife Federation (community)
VFW (community)
Tommy's Diner...
Florentine... (restaurants-culture)
Phillip's Coney Island...
Toledo & Central Ohio Railway Depot (historical landmark-community)
Proximity to downtown (community)
Santa Maria replica (community-culture)
Town Street Bridge (community)
COSI (community-education-culture)
Bi Centennial Park (community-entertainment)

Non-Profit & Associations:

Franklinton Historical Society:
President: Carol Stewart
Vice President: Jim Kay
Secretary: Brenda Dutton
Treasurer: Walter Johanni

Franklinton Neighborhood Pride Center

The Franklinton Arts District (The FAD):
President: Chris Sherman
Vice President: Sarah Weinstock
Secretary: Sarah Torsell
Treasurer: Laura Garcia
Board members:
Laura Alexander
Elizabeth Gerdeman
Bart Overly
Cory Ryan
Sarah Adrian
Jim Sweeney

Franklinton Development Association:
Executive Director: Jim Sweeney

Religion: 23 church's

Education: 7 schools, 3 learning-tech centers

More book content...thoughts?

As is probably evident from the last couple posts I've made, and the fact that the last couple of hours have consisted of me blowing up the blog with BOOK shtuff, I'm taking a break from painting for the night to focus on book content (and hopefully portfolio stuff later, but right now I'm on a book-making roll!!).

1. Do you guys think I should add a "special thanks" section or something similar? To acknowledge all those who helped make the book possible? Since I'm not paying these generous people for their interviews or photos, and I can't necessarily buy a book for each participant, I feel like it would be the least I could do to acknowledge them in a separate section, thanking them for all their help. What do you think?

2. Also, would it be helpful or at least interesting to any of you if I included a section listing other body modification resources, like online magazines, etc., in case anyone wants to learn more?

3. I've also come up with what (I think) is a brilliant idea! A sort of interactive page or two titled "Modification Checklist," saying something like, "Are YOU modified? If you participate in any of the things listed below, you are indeed part of the body modification world." I figure this would help bridge the gap between traditionally thought of "modified" people and "non-modified," to get people who aren't so "hip" on modification to realize that they aren't all that different from people with piercings and tattoos. I plan on listing things like coloring one's hair, wearing makeup, wearing deodorant (my favorite!!), etc. What do you guys think?

Also, I'm in the process of contacting six new Columbus-based people with whom I have a couple, albeit somewhat tenous, connections, about possibly modeling for me/answering interview questions. Cross your fingers that some of them are interested in my project!

Glossary Words

I'm working on compiling the glossary for my book, and here are some of the words that came up frequently in the interview responses, and my explanation of some of them thus far:

Industrial piercing – sometimes called a scaffold piercing; it constitutes any two pierced holes connected with a single straight piece of jewelry (straight barbell). The most common positioning is between two piercings in the upper ear cartilage.

Orbital piercing – two piercings connected by a single ring (BCR or CBR or circular barbell/horseshoe ring), not to be confused with the industrial piercing.

“Stretched” ears – many people incorrectly refer to this as “gauged.” "Gauge" is simply the measurement used to assess to what extent one’s ears (or other piercings) are stretched, similar to measuring something in centimeters, inches, or miles. Stretching can be time-consuming, and some people choose to speed up the process by skipping a few sizes with a dermal punch. Gauge sizes go from 20 (smallest) to 000 (larger), and are measured either in inches or millimeters from there on out, 7/16" being the next largest size up from 000. Essentially, ANY piercing constitutes a "stretched" piercing, because it takes up space in one's body, but "stretched" is generally used to refer to deliberate stretching past the size of the jewelry with which the hole was initially pierced. The average gauge for an initial piercing (ear lobe, navel), is 14 gauge. There is a variety of methods that can be used to stretch a piercing, but the end goal of all stretching is to achieve a larger piercing. Almost any piercing can be stretched, but the most commonly seen stretched piercings are ears (also septums, labrets, ear conches, tongues, and navels).

Septum – a frequently pierced part of the nose, the cartilaginous part dividing the two nasal passages; a pierced septum is frequently referred to as a “bull-ring piercing.”

Labret – any piercing that occurs in the lower lip. There are many variations on this piercing, such as vertical labret and multiple labret piercings.

Ear conch – the cartilage shell of the ear, made up of both an inner and outer part

Navel – commonly pierced area; “belly button.” This can be pierced in many ways, such as a traditional navel piercing, an inverse navel piercing (on the “bottom” on the belly button), and various other placements.

Piercing gun v. needle – piercing guns are popular in mall boutiques, and are very dangerous and unsanitary in comparison to needles (which are used at places of professional piercing). Piercing guns are made of plastic, and cannot be sterilized in an autoclave, which is the only way to truly sanitize a piercing device. Tissue trauma is another risk with using a piercing gun, as piercing with a gun forces a blunt stud through the skin, causing it to literally rip in order to make room for the jewelry, and the jewelry back suffocates the piercing, allowing no way for the new wound to heal properly. Many people are pierced with guns and have no problems, but the risks far outweigh the benefits.

Autoclave – essential piercing and tattooing tool that sterilizes all tools and jewelry with heated and pressurized steam.

Circular barbell/horseshoe ring – a barbell bent fully into the shape of a ring, but with two open ends.

BCR/CBR – ball closure ring or captive bead ring; a type of jewelry in which the bead is held in place solely by the spring pressure of the metal. It looks like a circle with a small ball placed somewhere along the circle’s circumference.

Dermal punch – used in the medical industry to take biopsy samples; used in piercing to make piercings that actually remove a piece of skin. This is commonly used to speed up the stretching process in piercings, and is almost always used to achieve a “stretched” cartilage piercing, as cartilage is much more difficult to stretch than ear lobes or other softer skin.

Dermal anchors – also called microdermals or transdermal anchors. It is a piercing that has only one visible end. Small pieces of jewelry that are held in place or “anchored” by the skin around it. Dermal anchors heal and grow into the skin, so they cannot be removed like other jewelry. They must be removed by a licensed doctor or experienced piercing professional.

Plugs – jewelry worn in any piercing, although usually worn in piercings gauge 10 or larger.

Full sleeve – either an arm or leg sleeve; a type of tattoo in which the entire arm or leg is tattooed, generally in a single coherent piece. A “half sleeve” would mean that the tattoo continues only from the shoulder to the elbow.

Snakebites – not to be confused with venoms; refers to paired lip piercings, usually equally spaced, one on the right and one on the left.

Venoms – two side-by-side tongue piercings, named after the obvious resemblance to a snake’s fangs.

“Modified” – to be “modified” is to be physically altered in such a way that results in a change to the body. Most commonly, it is used to refer to people who have obvious piercings, tattoos, and non-traditional implants, but every human being truly is modified. Other lesser-known modifications are: wearing deodorant, dying one’s hair, cutting one’s nails, simple ear lobe piercings, breast implants or reductions, and wearing makeup.

Implants – any artificial device surgically inserted into the body. One generally thinks of breast implants when he or she hears this word, but any carved or molded silicone object can be inserted under the skin is considered. Metal and magnetic implants are also common in the body modification world. Dermal anchoring is a sort of spin off of transdermal metal implants. These piercings can be thought of as “piercings without an exit.”


1. Any words in bold within a definition will also be defined on their own elsewhere.

2. I tried to explain these in basic, user-friendly (READ: people unfamiliar with bod mod words) terms, but please let me know if any of the explanations I have so far are still too confusing/involved/vague.

3. Also, for more visual people, do you think it would be helpful to include photos/sketches next to each word? I feel like that might make it seem cluttered...but I feel like words alone may not be enough. Thoughts?

4. Can you guys think of any other words that you remember not being familiar with when I first started this project? I'm having a hard time thinking of what words it would be helpful to include, because I'm familiar with most of the terms that will come to pass in this book.

THANKS in advance!


Hey guys - I'm working more on the content for my book (introduction, WHY I'm doing this project, why it's important, glossary, etc.) and it occurred to me that I haven't given much thought yet to the cover itself, which is pretty important given the fact that it's the first thing people will see!

So we already know that I'm dealing with brainstorming ideas for a title, but the image for the cover itself has yet to take form. I thought it would be really interesting to feature myself on the front, since I've made the decision to not include myself in the body of the book. Here is an image that I've been in love with for a while. I've found myself staring at it a few times a week for the past year:

This is an image of my friend Hailey Ginn (Havok Suicide), who amazingly enough is one of the more voluptuous, fuller sized Suicide Girl models. I KNOW she doesn't seem "plus-sized," but in the world of modeling, even alternative modeling, being a size 8 or higher puts you in the ranks of the pluz-sized (ridic, I know). Unfortunately, she lives in California now, otherwise I would ask her to model for me!! =[ This image has haunted me (in a good way!) for a very long time, and I was thinking it might be cool to do a variation of this type of pose for my cover.

However, I would prefer to be standing in the pose, arms suggesting that I'm embracing myself, my back facing the camera so as to highlight my (increasingly-closer-to-being-done!!) backpiece, and have the entire background fade out into black, to really showcase the modification on my back.

This image, too, has been in my mind for a while, sort of growing, and I've felt recently that I've actually seen (not just created in my mind) this image before somewhere. While looking back through the books that I purchased this past summer to compile my proposal/research paper (seems like sooo long ago, doesn't it??), I re-discovered this book:

And I kind of realized that I subconsciously combined the cover of both this book and the photo of Hailey (above), to create my own sort of ideal for a cover.

What do you guys think? If I do decide to use that image on the cover, I might need some Photoshop guidance from you lovely designers, as far as making the background solid black, etc... that probably seems like a silly thing to need help with; my apologies for being a complete Photoshop noob!!

I also thought it would be nice to include the quote, "We live in a world where everything is disposable, this is permanent/forever." And playing with either "This is Permanent," or "This is Forever," or simply "PERMANENT," or "FOREVER," as a title.

Thoughts, suggestions, comments??

01 February 2011

New Resume Design

Playing around with a new Resume Design. Whatcha think?

Okay so finally got some of stuff uploaded. I have been working with creating these posters. Basically they tell you how you should feel when you see these objects, just like color makes up feel/do when we see it. It was just something I was thinking about and playing with? What do you guys think is this something interesting to continue with or is it just not working? Need your opinions....

Getting a little clearer on form.

Taking a queue from josh (thanks!), I'm trying to focus on content as well and I've been drafting ideas for more activities that could be done or even just thought about.
This process has lead me to a little clearer definition of how the book will function.

I have this book on semiotics for designers called, This Means This, This Means That, that is set up in a really easy to use way which I think will be a good place to start. It consists of a page with a question about a picture or illustration, followed by a response on the back of the page. I think this is a good place to start.
Another book I have been reading, that deals with the information I'm interested in, has group activities at the end of each chapter intended to use to reflect on the chapter and is pretty inspiring-
I'll bring these books to class one day soon (hopefully) and see what you guys think!

I've also been trying to think about tone. I think it needs to establish a certain seriousness so that the ideas are actually contemplated by the reader, but I think it should be more humorous or playful than some of the things like it that I have.
While thinking about this it hit me that if I want to use photographs I am going to have to take them myself or pay for them. I've also been really considering illustrations. I feel like a mix of them could work as well, but maybe more difficult.

I'll post some more detailed stuff about the content I've come up with on my separate blog too.
What do you guys think?

Ad Ideas

This is a poster I have been working on with words of encouragment for people who are dealing with ANY kind of insecurity.  Let me know if there are better things to hear or whatever would make you feel better.

On this one I changed a little of the wording around.  I still feel like it needs a little help.  I wanted to talk about it in class today but... ICE... let me know what you think still needs help.

I was also thinking about making a poster for specifically men and then women.  This is one i started for women.  For women body insecurities are more apparent so I tried to think of things that I would want to hear while dealing with those insecurities.  Girls, let me know what else you think would be great.

Also, I have NO IDEA what to put on one for guys so Josh and Ryan, please let me know what would make sence for guys.. even ask around too please!